来自 :
south africa 2 x 20 fcl 700 x 20kg ba gs consisting of 14 000mt of sasolwax c80 2 x 20 fcl 700 x 20kg ba gs consisting of 14 000mt of sasolwax c80 referenc e nr 4929 34 customer orde r no 2000012403 nett weig h t 28000kgs gross weight 29160kgs tariff cod e 271 2 20 00 9 freight as per a greement r efer to booking note dated synthetic hy dro carbons wax non hazar dous delivery addres warehouse greer 7870 reidville rd greer s c 2 9651 sheryl youngblood ben orelogistics c om 864 234 1 925 or 864 655 8100 ext 18 4 wa ybill 1400.0 bag 2021/03/07 other on 40 pallets sasolwax spray 105g ef fine powder harmless chemicals hs code 27122010 containers said to contain 000323100000016155k 271220 000 323100000016155k 271220 000323 100000016155k 1000.0 other 2021/03/07 other on 40 pallets sasolwax spray 30 g fine powder harmless chemicals hs code 27122010 containers said to contain 000323100000016155k 271220 000 323100000016155k 271220 000323 100000016155k 1000.0 other 2021/03/07 south africa 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 12 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs bags consisting of 12 000 mt of sasolwax h1 referen ce nr 492 935 customer ord er no 2000012404 nett wei g ht 144000kgs gross weigh t 150240kgs tariff code 2712 20 00 9 freight as pe r agreement refer to book ing note dated synthetic hy drocarbons wax non ha zardous delivery 240.0 bag 2021/03/07 argentina 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 refere nce nr 4 93917 customer or der no 2000012330b nett w eight 112000kgs gross wei ght 116640kgs tar iff code 3404 90 90 3 freight as per agreem ent refer to bo oking note dated synthet i c hydrocarbons wax non hazardous delivery 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of sasolwax b52 10 x 20 fcl 560 x 20kg b ags consisting of 11 200m t of 5600.0 bag 2021/03/07 russia 1000 bags on 40 pallets sasolwax spray 30 g fine powder 1 000 x 15 kg bags 25 x 375 kg wooden pallet 15 x 375 kg wooden pallet batch 0000307486 9 375 to batch 0000307483 5 625 to marking sasolwax spray 30 g prod of germany hs code 27122010 1000.0 other 2021/03/07 honduras 1 x 20 fcl 700 x 20kg bag s consisting of 1 4 000mt of sasolwax h1 reference nr 486889 c ustomer order no 2000012332 nett weight 14 000kgs gross weight 1 4580 kgs tariff code 2712 20 00 9 freight as per ag reement refe r to booking note dated synthetic hyd rocar bons wax non hazard ous delivery address rehouse 501 1375 ho well rd duncan sc 2933 4 sheryl youngblood benorelo gistics com 864 234 1925 o r 864 655 8100 ext 184 wa ybill 700.0 bag 2021/03/07 philippines 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 refere nce nr 496 319 customer or der no 2000012456 nett we ig ht 108000kgs gross weig ht 112680kgs tariff code 2712 20 00 9 freight as p er agreement refer to boo king note dated syntheti c h ydrocarbons wax non h azardous delivery ad 9 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kgs b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 6530 nore warehouse greer 7870 reidville rd gree r sc 180.0 bag 2021/03/03 other 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 refere nce nr 4 86171 customer or der no 2000012361 nett we ight 120000kgs gross weig ht 125200kgs tari ff code 2712 20 00 9 freight as p er agreeme nt refer to boo king note dated syntheti c hydrocarbons wax non h azardous delivery 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h 200.0 bag 2021/03/03 other 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax h1 referenc e nr 486 170 customer orde r no 2000012360 nett weig ht 120000kgs gross weight 125200kgs tariff code 2 712 20 00 9 freight as per agreement refer to booki ng note dated synthetic hy drocarbons wax non haz ardous delivery add 10 x 20 fcl 20 x 600kg b ags consisting of 12 000m t of sasolwax 200.0 bag
发布于 : 2021-03-24